Art Exhibition June 2024

Poster for my exhibition June 2024

I have been working on setting a date for my painting exhibition and am now delighted to say that a date is now set for Saturday 8th through to Monday 10th June 2024 to be held at the Four Mile Pub and Restaurant at Kingswells, on the outskirts of Aberdeen.

The management and staff are excited and will be delighted to see us all that weekend and I can thoroughly recommend you set aside some time to both see my watercolour paintings in the Conference Room and meet up for a bite to eat in the restaurant or a coffee in their Conservatory.

I have set aside the exhibition to start around 12noon through to 7pm each day but am flexible to meet up with you and show you what work I have been painting since my last exhibition two years ago, as well as some historic watercolours still in my collection. There will be around 35 – 40 original paintings in their frames on display – depending on space.

I will also have on show mounted prints of watercolours painted to show what is available and sized to fit standard frames available from stores in Aberdeen.

Artwork Collections

The size of my portfolio of paintings is too large to display in its entirety, and I need to be selective in what is to be displayed. Can you please let me know your favourite paintings, so I can prioritise the paintings displayed at the exhibition?

I have created a form for you to record your favourites.

  • Please click the checkbox next to the paintings you want to see in the exhibition. You can click as many as you want.
  • Use Collections to filter the display . . if you want.
  • Press the Submit button at the bottom of the page to record your choices.

Hope you will be able to attend in June.



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