
Creative Purpose

Exploring the core of my artistic pursuits, I’ve reflected on the essence of creative purpose and its profound influence on shaping my artistic process.

An image of an artist sketching

For me, delving into the realm of watercolour art goes beyond a mere creative pursuit; it serves as a lifeline, a beacon of hope in challenging moments. Within the delicate strokes and vibrant hues of watercolour, I discovered both solace and purpose. This intricate art form, with its nuanced techniques, emerged as a guiding force, bridging a universal gap thrust upon me by unforeseen circumstances.

Mastering the art of watercolour painting proves to be a formidable challenge, as many enthusiasts would concur. Over the course of the last six years, I’ve dedicated myself to refining its diverse techniques, pursuing perfection with every brushstroke. While not every creation meets the mark, it is the pursuit of that perfect watercolour that ignites my passion.

When questioned about my preferred subjects, my response often echoes, “Anything that compels me to pause and observe.” Yet, a timeless piece of advice resonates in my artistic journey: paint with precision, experiment with colours, blend them seamlessly on the canvas, and craft a piece that captures the attention of passers-by. A watercolour that encourages them to halt, gaze, and simply utter, “I genuinely like that,” constitutes my ultimate objective.

An image showing an artist painting

In essence, this encapsulates what “Purpose” signifies to me—a voyage in harmony with the wisdom imparted by my wife years ago. She, a wise soul, not only reshaped my outlook on life but also bestowed upon me an enduring purpose—to create beautiful works that resonate with the essence of the soul.

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