Best Way To View Paintings

Find the best way to view paintings

The text for the video is included below.

There are several ways to view the images of the paintings.

The choice is dependant on what you want to do.

These general tips can be used anywhere in your browser to maximise what is displayed on the screen:

  • Use full screen mode in your browser
     Press F11 on Chrome or Firefox to toggle full screen on and off. 
  • Use magnify in your browser
    Press CTRL and + or CTRL and – in Chrome or Firefox to adjust screen magnification.
    Watch the top of the screen to see what magnification is applied.

To browse the portfolio of paintings

  • Click Galleries on the Taskbar.

    All the paintings are displayed – scroll using the mouse wheel to find a favourite.
  • Clicking on an image will allow you the view paintings in a slideshow.
    • Use the arrows at the side of the screen to move through the portfolio in the direction required.
    • Just clicking on an image will move through the portfolio in a continuous loop.
  • Clicking above or below the arrows will take you back.

Browse framed pictures to easily do the following:

  • To see the paintings in frames
  • To easily get to product page
  • To see the largest images of the paintings

To do this follow these steps:

  • Hover mouse over Galleries menu to see the  drop-down menu
  • Select any of the Framed Pictures options
  • 1 column option gives a clear view of individual painting.
  • 2 column option is better for browsing.
  • Use the Carousel. Its another alternative.

    In this mode you can use magnify in your browser to get the size you want ( press control and plus or control and minus in Chrome of Firefox to adjust screen magnification. Watch the top of the screen to see what magnification is applied
  • Click on image to go to the product page for further information.
  • Click on the product image to enlarge image.
  • Click on the magnifying glass at the top right of the screen
  • On the image clicking will toggle the cursor between magnifying glass and the hand
  • Click using the magnify cursor to make the image bigger.
  • Click and hold using the hand cursor to move around the image
  • Click the X at the top right of the screen to exit.