Using Google Earth to View Castle Watercolours

We have a new feature on the website that uses Google Earth to view the location of the castles in the portfolio, and can use street view to see some photographs of the area.

You can also use this feature to view the paintings.

This short video will demonstrate some ways to use this feature.

Viewing the Paintings and Locations

On the top navigation menu

  • Click on Products,
  • On the side bar menu. . Click on Painting types.
  • Then click on Castles
  • Click on the link to Google Earth. This may take a few seconds to load.
  • Press Present, to hide the list.

Each castle is shown with a marker. Click each in turn to see the paintings, and some options.

  • Click on the arrows to see the options.
  • Click on the image to see full screen. .
  • and use the arrows to move between options.
  • Click the X to close full screen mode.

Castle Fraser is one example of where there are two paintings of the castle.

Some Google Earth Features

To use some of the Google Earth features.

Put the mouse pointer over the area of interest. We will look at Craigievar Castle.

To Pan: Click and hold the mouse, and drag to the centre of the screen.

To Zoom: Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

To show location of view points: Click on the figure to see the blue street view areas.

The blue dots show the location of some view points / photos.

To see view: Click and drag the figure onto the blue area of interest.

To re-orientate the image: Click and hold the left mouse button to move the image into the required orientation.

To exit street view: Click the yellow figure to exit street view.

To see other viewpoints: Click the figure again to see the dots and repeat if you want to see more images.

To return to normal view: Click the circular arrow to return to normal view.