News Articles

I have included an extract of my news articles on this page. This could be new paintings or updates to the website. Click on the titles to see the full article.

You can also see the latest paintings here.

  • Exhibition June 2023 – Update

    My exhibition offers a wonderful opportunity to view my artwork up close.

    • Original artwork exhibition showcasing my artwork
    • Special 50% off sale on many original watercolours
    • Complimentary frames included with framed original purchases
    • Popular prints displayed in elegant mounts
    • All original artwork available for purchase
    • Orders can be placed for prints
  • Newsletter Email Problems

    If you are experiencing problems receiving newsletter emails this article may assist.

    Things you can check:

    • Subscription
    • Spam Filters
    • Gmail Promotions
    • Your Email Address
    • White List My Email Address
  • Exhibition 2023

    I am planning my next painting exhibition between the 17th and 19th of June. More details to follow.

    Please use the form to identify paintings you would like to see in the exhibition.

    • Click the checkbox next to the paintings you want to see in the exhibition. You can click as many as you want.

    • Use Collections to filter the display . . if you want.

    • Press the Submit button at the bottom of the page to record your choices.

  • Commission Paintings

    Why commission a painting?

    • Watercolour paintings can be an excellent way to commemorate a special moment in your life.
    • Commissioning a painting is one of the best ways to ensure that you get a piece of artwork you will be proud to hang.
    • Watercolour paintings provide a unique way to capture memories.
    • It can be a thoughtful and unique gift for a loved one.
  • Overview of the navigation system

    I want to show you how to use the navigation system.

    The system is essentially unchanged but offers more space on the page to see the artwork without any screen clutter.

    The system offers you full control over what you see and provides an improved user experience.


  • Spring is on it’s Way

    An article for the March Newsletter.

    I provide an update on what I have been doing since the beginning of the year. Topics include:

    • Recent article
    • McBey Exhibition
    • Recent and current work
    • Changes
    • Commissions