Burn O Vat, Aberdeenshire


Burn O Vat on a beautiful sunny August this year. I was drawn into the magic of the surroundings, and I painted the bridge that straddles the burn.

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Burn O Vat

As a small boy, my family took me to the Burn O’ Vat a few miles east of Ballater, and I wondered at the sheer remoteness of the burn and gorge hewn out of the granite by the water in spate over millennia and the tales of the Scottish outlaw Rob Roy MacGregor who allegedly came there centuries ago.

I returned there on a beautiful sunny August this year and again was drawn into the magic of the surroundings. I took photographs of the burn and from those, produced my watercolour of the bridge that straddles the burn just east of the gorge area. The tints of the foliage were subdued that made the painting bland so have given colour to allow greater interest.

It is a tourist attraction these days and car number plates showed Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland and our neighbours in England as visitors.

A place now well established on our tourist trail in Scotland and well worth a visit along with Lochs Kinord and Davin that include the site of a monastery and site of a timber Motte and Bailey castle on the main island to which King Malcolm Canmore lll visited.

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Painting Information

Size Image Size Cost Mount Size
(mm) (mm)
A6 132 x 84 £10 202 x 154
A4 255 x 175 £25 375 x 295
A3 380 x 280 £40 500 x 400
A3 380 x 280 From £350 500 x 400

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