Sandstone Bay


Sandstone Bay watercolour was inspired from a picture along the western cost of Canada.

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Sandstone Bay Watercolour

Sandstone Bay watercolour is a painting that captures the beauty and diversity of the Canadian west coast. I was inspired by a photo of a rocky beach with waves crashing against the shore. I wanted to convey the contrast between the calm and serene sky and the dynamic and lively water.

Painting shorelines is always a challenge, especially in watercolour, because you have to account for the changing light, colour and texture of the sand, rocks and water. You also have to create a sense of movement and energy in the waves, while keeping the overall composition balanced and harmonious. Watercolour is a medium that requires careful planning and execution, but also allows for spontaneity and experimentation.

I hope you enjoy this painting as much as I enjoyed creating it. It is a tribute to the natural beauty of Canada and its coastal landscapes.

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Sandstone Bay Framed

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Painting Information

Size Image Size Cost Mount Size
(mm) (mm)
A6 132 x 84 £10 202 x 154
A4 255 x 175 £25 375 x 295
A3 380 x 280 £40 500 x 400
A3 380 x 280 From £350 500 x 400

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