The New Improved Gallery

I have been working to enhance the user experience when using the website.

This video will describe the changes and how to use the features.

I have extended the functionality of the Gallery discussed earlier this month. You can access it from the ‘Browse All My Artwork’ button on the home page. You can also access it from the sidebar menu using the ‘Browse All Artwork’ option.

Clicking on an image or its title will display the full details of the painting. Using the back button on your browser will take you back to this gallery view. So it is a simple process to view the paintings that interest you most.

I have simplified and extended the menu used to access the features of the gallery. Each button is a dropdown with various options.

I discuss the buttons and their options below.

The Type Button

The ‘Type’ button determines the type of painting displayed on the screen:

  • Print – the collection of Prints
  • Original – the collection of Originals.

The Collection Button

This selection can be further refined using the ‘Collection’ options. A list of all the painting categories is available and the ‘All’ option. Selecting a category will limit the display to that painting category and the ‘type’.

The ‘All’ option displays all the paintings of the ‘type’ selected.

You can also view paintings by season using this option.

The Sort Columns Button

The sort button sorts the columns displayed by the options shown.

  • Random: displays the paintings in a random order that will change each time you access the page. This is the default option, and is good if you want variety.
  • Title: displays the paintings sorted by their titles. This is useful if you don’t want the order to change when looking at the painting details. When you return to the gallery page you will not lose your place.
  • New to Old: displays the newest paintings first.
  • Old to New: displays the oldest paintings first.

The date listings can be useful if you want to see the changes in style over the years. ‘New to Old’ is also useful if you want to catch up with the latest paintings.

The Columns Button

The number of columns displayed when you first access the gallery will depend on your screen. The options offer a choice of 1 to 4 columns. You can choose based on your needs.

You can browse faster with more columns, and in more detail with fewer.

You lose the auto-selection of the number of columns when you select an option. Select ‘reset’ to go back to auto-select.


I hope you like this new feature. Please leave a comment below. I am open to any suggestions for improvement.

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