News Articles

I have included an extract of my news articles on this page. This could be new paintings or updates to the website. Click on the titles to see the full article.

You can also see the latest paintings here.

  • New Watercolour: House of Moneymusk

    The House of Monymusk is a 15th century castle set on a traditional Scottish Estate in rural Aberdeenshire.

    This painting is a welcome addition to the website collection. It demonstrates a standard of building existing throughout the north-east. The day visited was clear, fresh and sunny, the resulting picture showed this when the various washes and details were added that gave a good depth to the picture.

    Click on image for more details

  • New Paintings August 2022

    Birse is a parish in the Lower Deeside area of Aberdeenshire, including the communities of Finzean and Ballogie.

    The colours seen on the day Birse was visited made the subject a must to paint.

    Click on image for more details

  • New Painting: Iona Abbey

    Update on Website

    After a busy time after the art exhibition at the Four Mile in Kingswells I have several painting that are nearly ready for the website. The first of these is Iona Abbey.

    I hope to publish more in the coming week, so please look out for these updates.

    New Pages

    We have added new pages showing the latest paintings and the top rated paintings.

    You can access these from the “News” menu on the main navigation bar or the sidebar on any product page

  • Updates to Website July 2022

    New Products

    The Original Paintings are now available for sale on the website

    New Products

    The Original Paintings are now available for sale on the website

    Everything relating to the store can be found under Products.

    Prints and Originals are listed under the various categories


  • Exhibition at Four Mile, Kingswells

    We are planning an exhibition at Four Mile, Kingswells from the 17th to 20th June 2022, in the Conference Room. See the image of the entrance.

    The exhibition of 40 of John’s paintings will include some paintings that will be shown for the first time. The original paintings will be displayed in frames with mounts to show off the artwork, and they will all be for sale.

    Some prints will be available in mounts, or postcard-sized. Orders can be placed at the exhibition or later on the website.

  • New Feature: Castle Watercolours on Google Earth

    Castle Watercolours on Google Earth is a new feature on the website to view the castles in the portfolio and their locations on a map. Street View can be used to see the local area from viewpoints on the map.

    You can also use this feature to view the paintings.

    This short video will demonstrate some ways to use this feature