News Articles

I have included an extract of my news articles on this page. This could be new paintings or updates to the website. Click on the titles to see the full article.

You can also see the latest paintings here.

  • Two New Commission Paintings

    I have finished two commissions these last two months that filled me with encouragement.

    Ardoe House

    Ardoe House took some time to sketch and with the ultimate washes added, has resulted in a watercolour that I am proud of.

  • What’s New in September, and in the Pipeline

    Changes to my style

    To accommodate the detail required for the Ardoe House painting I had to increase the paper size from the usual A3 sheet to 50 x 40cm. This will become a more common canvas size for future paintings.

    I am also introducing new paints using watercolours in Tubes rather than half-pan solid colours.

    An increase in canvas size also allows the introduction of new brushes. Some will offer better coverage and others fine detail. I can then experiment with different techniques to increase the skills in my toolbox.

    So, be bold, try new techniques, use good quality materials and see the difference.

    In The Pipeline

    I have walked Loch Kinord and ventured up the Burn of Vat with my camera in Aberdeenshire and taken photographs of that wonderful scenery that I hope to paint.

    I have a few ideas for paintings in this area, and I am sketching these out; but there are issues I need to overcome before I take these ideas forward to a final painting.

    Some Inspiration

    The summer is hanging in there with September its usual calm warm presence. Perfect autumn conditions for capturing heart-warming colours of harvest time that gives an abundance of subjects to paint.

    Whether a conditioned artist or someone in their infancy to painting, you don’t have far to go to photograph, sketch, and paint the colours you see.

    The art of watercolours brings out an excitement within us when we just sit down and put brush to paper. When coupled with land and seascapes we treasure, it can inspire us to produce paintings that fill us with joy.

  • Mobile Navigation Just Got Easier

    Using the John Gerrie Artwork website just got easier on mobile devices.

    At last we have been able to add navigation buttons at the top of a mobile display, which makes moving through the portfolio of paintings much easier. Large screens have have had this feature for a long while, but due to limitations in the web software, on mobile devices the navigation buttons were in the lower half of the screen.

    The navigation buttons only appear on pages showing paintings. They detect if you are browsing prints or original paintings, and when pressed will show the ‘previous’ or ‘next’ painting in alphabetical order.

    Hope you find this feature useful.

    If you have any features you would like to see on the website, just ask and we will try to make your browsing experience even more enjoyable.

  • New How To: Review Paintings

    I have created a new video to demonstrate how to add a review to the paintings. I am keen to get your views on the artwork of this website.

    The video can be accessed from the How To Menu or from this link.

    The video demonstrates how to:

    • add a rating and a review/comment
    • register a login id with the website,
    • and how to log in

  • Exhibition At Fourmile, Kingswells 2022.

    I was excited to have my first art exhibition at the Fourmile, Kingswells from June 17 – 20.

    Preparation for the event

    I had an extremely busy period running up to the exhibition where I was making frames for a few days, then mounting paintings. Then finally using the frames I had made previously, to present my artwork in the best possible light.

    In the previous month, I had to make all the stands to hold the paintings in their frames.

    All in all, it was a very busy period of my life, but it was worth all the effort to be able to hold my first exhibition.

  • New Feature: Our US Friends Can Now Shop Here

    We have added a feature to allow our US friends to shop using US dollars.

    Each product has a flag beside the price, and you can opt to change the currency displayed.

    At the moment the only options are: pounds and US dollars . . . that’s GBP and USD.