News Articles

I have included an extract of my news articles on this page. This could be new paintings or updates to the website. Click on the titles to see the full article.

You can also see the latest paintings here.

  • I Need Your Assistance

    I want to introduce some featured paintings each month, and I would like your views, or review for these paintings (or any other painting). I would like your honest review . . . good or bad. And don’t forget to include a star rating.

    There is a short video to show how to add a review.

    The reviews may influence the subject of future paintings.

  • New Features For November

    Quick Checkout on Mobile using Google / Apple Pay.

    You can now get quicker ordering and an enhanced viewing experience.

    The access is via a blue button found on the category pages. The buttons are initially hidden on the page, but appear when the mouse hovers over one of the paintings.

  • Compare Colour With Black and White

    In the news article regarding the accessibility settings I mentioned the there is an option to see the website in monochrome. This article demonstrates how some of my paintings look in black and white.

    If you prefer to have a monochrome painting . . . just add a note when ordering.

  • New Features for October

    I have added a few new features to the website this month, and some improvements to existing features.

    These include:

    • Accessibility Tools
    • Black and White Paintings
    • Virtual Tour
    • ‘How To’ Archive Page
    • Select Paintings by Season
    • Galleries and Latest Paintings
    • Newspaper Style
  • Some Gift Ideas

    The time for coming up with unusual gift ideas is fast approaching.Standard Cup View 3

    Paintings in the conventional format may not be within budget. So I would like to offer a novel alternative . . . print a painting on different objects and materials.

    MyPictures offers several different formats on which you can print pictures or photos. Some novel and affordable ideas include cups, jig-saw puzzles, or mouse mats. See other formats below.

  • Virtual Tour of the Castles

    The video shows how to access the gallery of castles in my portfolio.

    The video provides a virtual tour of these paintings, with some commentary.

    Best viewed by maximising the YouTube video. Sit back, relax and enjoy the show.